Ozonated Hemp Oil
Posted by Colton Stevens - Reading Time: <3 Minutes
Hemp seed oil comes from the tiny seeds of the cannabis sativa plant. The seeds do not contain any psychoactive compounds, but they still have a rich profile of nutrients, fatty acids, and useful bioactive compounds. Let’s take a look at what hemp seed oil may do for you.
Hormone balance
Hemp seed oil contains Gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), which is known to support hormone health and reduce PMS-associated symptoms such as menstrual cramps. It can also enhance the hormone health of older women going through menopause by helping reduce depression symptoms, irritability, and hot flashes. Studies show that supplementing with fatty acid GLA does not cause side effects. (1)
Heart health
Hemp seed oil can help improve heart health because of its high omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids help lower cholesterol levels in the blood, which can help prevent heart disease. The amino acid arginine, a component of hemp seed oil, contributes to nitric acid production, which dilates and relaxes blood vessels..
Weight loss
GLA found in hemp seeds acts as a natural appetite suppressant and can reduce sugar cravings. GLA has also been shown to help prevent weight regain. One study found that formerly obese individuals who take supplemental GLA for a year gained less weight. It is also theorized that the omega-3s in hemp seed oil can enhance weight loss, but more studies are still needed.
Moisturize and alleviate skin conditions
Hemp seed oil is an excellent skin moisturizer as it is easily absorbed and can significantly contribute to the skin’s barrier to prevent moisture loss. Hemp oil is also a perfect food for your skin because it is rich in nutrients and essential fatty acids, making it an ideal carrier oil for massage treatments. Hemp seed oil can also offer relief of acne, minor abrasions, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, and itchy skin. The oil also strengthens the skin and improves its resistance to bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.
GLA found in hemp seed oil has been found to fight inflammation, which can be very helpful for someone who has arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. Scientists believe it may also be effective for treating fibromyalgia, but more studies are still needed.
Pain relief
Many people use hemp seed oil for natural pain relief because it can reduce pain when ingested or applied topically. Due to the oil’s anti-inflammatory properties, it becomes a valuable ally for injuries, infections, or autoimmune disorders that cause pain.
Improved brain function
The essential fatty acids found in hemp seed oil may improve memory and prevent age-related brain function decline. Studies also suggest it can reduce the symptoms of insomnia and lessen anxiety. (2)
Digestive health
Although specific research on hemp seed oil for digestive health is not yet available, we know the omega-3 essential fatty acids are known to reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. It may relieve some digestive tract problems such as inflammatory bowel disorder. In addition, the fatty acids promote good microbes in the gut flora, which improves overall digestive health.
The high amount of fatty acids in hemp seed oil makes it possible to hold a large number of ozonides. This makes ozonated hemp oil the strongest, which may be a bit much for those with sensitive skin. When ozonated, it is used as a skin oil or in capsule and suppository form. Ozonation simply adds the power of ozone to an already beneficial oil.
1) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18296341/
2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6326553/